At the core of what drives the mission, vision, and values of LCM Group is the belief that everything we have – our family, job, talents, financial resources and our opportunities – comes from God
An Endeavor of Stewardship
The resources God entrusts to the LCM team are used to opportunistically fund Family Office investments and ultimately re-deployed to meet physical and spiritual needs through charitable organizations seeking to glorify God and serve His Kingdom.
Our work at LCM Group is essentially an endeavor of stewardship, applying not just to the financial capital we manage, but also to the human resources that we have been entrusted with. The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) illustrates how God entrusts resources to us in accordance with our abilities and He expects us to invest them wisely. We believe this standard of stewardship raises the bar of diligence and accountability for how we invest our God-given human and financial capital.
We seek human flourishing in both the internal and external relationships we’ve been blessed to have under our leadership and influence. And as our financial resources grow through the diligence and stewardship of the LCM team, this capital provides opportunities to fund investments and partnerships with various faith-driven ministries and values-aligned non-profits through our affiliated charitable foundation, The Light Foundation.
“Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already.”
– C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
Colossians 3:23
Motivated by Human Flourishing
Within the underwriting and due diligence framework for each of its investments and as a key discussion point in its evaluation of non-profit partners, LCM and The Light Foundation care deeply about human flourishing.
The LCM team values healthy communities where people live in freedom and are given opportunities to not just survive, but to thrive. Our concept of “human flourishing” stems from our beliefs that all people are made in the image of God, that each person deals with tangible and economic realities of daily existence in our fallen world, and that the value and dignity of our daily work and labor matter to God and to our own human well-being.
Others have expressed this much more eloquently. English writer Dorothy Sayers, might be better known for her fictional detective character Lord Peter Wimsey; but Sayers had more than crime fiction on her heart when she explained the “right attitude of work”:
“That it should be looked upon, not as a necessary drudgery to be undergone for the purpose of making money, but as a way of life in which the nature of man should find its proper exercise and delight and so fulfill itself to the glory of God.
That it should, in fact, be thought of as a creative activity undertaken for the love of the work itself; and that man, made in God’s image, should make things, as God makes them, for the sake of doing well a thing that is well worth doing…
If work is to find its right place in the world, it is the duty of the Church to see to it that the work serves God, and that the worker serves the work.”
– Dorothy Sayers, Why Work?
Supporting Our Non-Profit Partners
Through Board service, frequent organizational engagement, and grant-making efforts of The Light Foundation Trustees, we are incredibly grateful to partner with organizations such as:
Ambassadors Club
American Enterprise institute
Baylor Scott & White Hospital Foundation
Brother Bill’s Helping Hands
College Golf Fellowship
Council for Life
East-West Ministries
Faith Driven Investor
Family First
First Liberty Institute
Generous Giving
Goodwill Industries
HOI (Helping Others Internationally)
Hoover Institution
Hope International
Human Coalition
IF Gathering
International Justice Ministries
Kids Across America
Maclellan Giving Partners
National Christian Foundation
Samaritan’s Purse
Seed Effect
SMU Cox Alternative Asset Management Center
Thrive Women’s Clinic
TrustBridge Global
Watermark Community Church
WMCC Community Development Corporation
Young Life